Att göra – Dachau Koncentrationslägrets minnesplats
Dachau koncentrationsläger för politiska fångar öppnades 1933, bara några veckor efter att Adolf Hitler blev rikskansler och det var ett läger som senare blev modell för andra koncentrationsläger.
Fram till de amerikanska trupperna befriade de överlevande 1945, fängslades mer än 200.000 människor i Dachau. 41 500 människor mördades.
Idag besöks Dachau Koncentrationslägrets minnesplats av människor från hela världen för att minnas fångarna och lära sig om dess förödande historia. Minnesplatsen ligger nordväst om München i södra Tyskland.
Våra tips – Dachau Koncentrationslägrets minnesplats

Guided trip to Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial from Munich
Go on a fully organized, deeply moving trip from Munich to the Dachau Memorial Site for a unique experience you'll never forget.

Dachau Concentration Camp Guided Tour with Transfer
Discover the crime scene of the Third Reich, explore the grounds of the first Nazi concentration camp with a history guide and understand the model design and purpose of the labor camps.
en, it, fr, es, de

Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial and Third Reich day tour from Munich
Join a day trip which includes a tour to the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial from Munich and a guided walking tour about the Third Reich.

Guided trip to Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial from Munich
Go on a fully organized, deeply moving trip from Munich to the Dachau Memorial Site for a unique experience you'll never forget.

Dachau Concentration Camp Guided Tour with Transfer
Discover the crime scene of the Third Reich, explore the grounds of the first Nazi concentration camp with a history guide and understand the model design and purpose of the labor camps.
en, it, fr, es, de

Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial and Third Reich day tour from Munich
Join a day trip which includes a tour to the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial from Munich and a guided walking tour about the Third Reich.
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Dachau Koncentrationslägrets minnesplats
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“Eric was knowledgeable, informative, and funny. Would definitely recommend to friends and family”
“Our tour guide was great. Very informative.”